Spend unlimited time online with unlimited downloads at speeds from 1Mb to 22Mb depending on your location.
Deal with a Company that you can talk to directly without being passed from pillar to post and without having to press a multitude of buttons!
We would be happy to provide broadband for you via an existing or new BT standard phone line. The broadband runs 'on top of' this line, leaving you free to use it as a standard phone or fax too.
You can use your broadband for one or several PC's including laptops providing high-speed use of the web and e-mail for several users simultaneously. These can be connected by network cable, wireless network or a combination of the two. You will need a suitable broadband modem or router which we can provide too.
We only use broadband providers with good technical support in the event of a problem.
Please Note:
Our suppliers' broadband is available to homes with BT phone lines only. This does not include cable providers such as NTL and Telewest.
Contact us now about installing broadband.