"Top-Content" Website Management System
Our 'Top-Content' platform is a custom built content management system capable of supporting sites from a few to hundreds of pages.
Why build our own CMS?
We have built this system with both ease of use and expandability in mind. Using a modular system allows us to add & remove components as needed. The system is capable of manging site content, site navigation, image/document uploads, site search and much more. There's an unlimited number of layout options for web sites it produces with standard pages, lists of services, image galleries, staff biographies, site news and contact forms. Every aspect of the site content can be managed by you through an easy to use online interface. No knowledge of HTML, FTP or Website Builders is required!
Main Advantages of 'Top-Content'
- Fully Search Engine Friendly
- Complete Control over your Websites Content
- Modular structure enabling extra functionality to be added at any time
- Easy to use Interfaces - if you can browse the web you can manage your website
- Image / File Uploading
- Product / Service Listings
- Image Galleries
- Site Search
- A full list of functionality can be found on the 'Top Content' website.
'Top-Content' can be used for many applications from small micro-sites to full online systems. Pricing starts at £399 which makes it an ideal chance for your business to gain an online presence.
The system is fully expandable which means it can be built to suit any size of website, although if you're looking for something with special functionality you may want to consider our bespoke website solutions.

Need to upgrade your site with added functionality, or have a site
built from your own designs? Includes:
- Top-Content, our in-house built content management system.
- Virtual Forums, our in-house built message board platform.
- Colloquium, our in-house built corporate blog.

Are you a small business who needs your website
to compete with the big boys?
- Affordable and effective
- Easy to use, easy to manage
- Focused on budget very easy to upgrade and downgrade

Aztec House
137a Molesey Avenue
West Molesey
Surrey KT8 2RY
Tel: +44(0)20 89 41 51 51