Standard Terms & Conditions
- The agreement is for a minimum period of 12 months, and is renewed automatically for further whole periods of twelve months, until terminated by either party in writing, giving a minimum of 28 days notice. All ongoing charges must be paid for the duration of the agreement. In the event that the client fails to pay agreed charges, Webskills UK reserves the right to suspend provision of services.
- Prices quoted are valid for a period of 30 days from date of quotation. Charges for ongoing services, including (but not only) hosting and support, are subject to annual review based on inflation rates and third party changes. Notice of such changes will be made to the client in writing.
Invoices are to be paid within maximum 10 working days of issue. Ongoing Service charges are to be paid by Standing Order, Direct Debit, Bank Transfer or Online Card Payment. Payment by cheque can be accepted in certain cases with our agreement.
Due to the nature of web services (hosting and domain names strict expiry dates) we advise clients to follow payment schedules to avoid problems. Late payments may generate additional fees.
In the event of late payment, Webskills reserves the right to charge the client interest on the overdue amount at the rate of 8% per year above the base rate of HSBC Bank Plc from time to time which interest will accrue daily until the date of actual payment.
Webskills may terminate an engagement immediately at any time by giving written notice to the client if the client fails to pay in full and on time any amount due to Webskills whether in respect of that engagement or otherwise and may retain the finished product pending payment in full ownership will remain with Webskills until payment in full.
- In order to allow effective communication, Webskills may establish a project e-mail address. All communication by the client must then be made through this address.
A Project & Payment Schedule will be agreed by both parties and forms part of the contract. Invoices will be raised by Webskills in line with this schedule and payment is required by the due date shown on the invoice. The client must provide information promptly when required to do so.
Dates within the schedule are relative and rely on responses and information from the client within the timescales specified to meet project target dates. Target dates are estimates and not guaranteed.
An order form will be provided and signed by both parties. This will refer to any relevant documents which form part of the agreement, such as correspondence specifying details of the project.
Subsequent changes to the requirements agreed may be requested by the client, but if included these will affect the project price and timescale.
- It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that the person(s) appointed by them to sign off the order, specification, stages or completion of the project, has the authority to do so on behalf of the client. Once a specification, project stage or project is signed off, additional costs will be incurred by the client for changes subsequently requested or implemented.
Webskills UK does not accept responsibility for web site content provided or subsequently amended or added to a web site and assumes that it does not contravene any relevant UK or International laws and is free from copyright or license.
The client hereby indemnifies Webskills against any losses, damages, claims, obligations, liabilities, costs and expenses (including legal fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with use of such content.
- The web project remains the property of Webskills UK until payment has been received in full, at which point the client-specific design, documentation and content including database content will become the client's property.
- Any content management system (CMS) provided is the property of Webskills UK with one licence to use it during the duration of the hosting/support agreement.
- The CMS allows for all necessary changes and uploads on the website. If ftp access is necessary folder access can be granted.
- Webskills UK commit to provide the services agreed. Any liability to the Client shall be limited to the remainder of any fees paid by the Client for services less any deductions for charges incurred. Webskills cannot accept any liability for consequential losses. Any disputes will be dealt with under UK jurisdiction.
- Whilst every reasonable effort (security software installed on the servers hosted in secured data centre, firewalls, and other standard measures) is made to protect against security breaches, viruses and other external effects, Webskills UK does not accept responsibility for any loss of data, code or service caused as a result of such action.
- Webskills UK reserves the right to include its logo/design credit and associated web link, discretely on the front of client web sites.
- Webskills UK cannot guarantee associated systems or services that are out of their control, such as Internet host performance, Internet traffic levels, third party services or ISP connection performance.
- Webskills UK can give no guarantee of positioning in search engine results.
- Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all Webskills UK websites are optimised for 1024 x 768 pixels resolution.

Aztec House
137a Molesey Avenue
West Molesey
Surrey KT8 2RY
Tel: +44(0)20 89 41 51 51