Next Generation Web 2.0 Tools
Use the latest in next generation web tools to get ahead of the competition. All of these tools are free to use.

Related Services:

This new service gives you control over the enquiry forms on your website.
- Easy to set-up and install
- Track user actions

A local community portal. Featuring local news, business listings, town information and a message board.
- Facility for businesses to advertise
- Information on local news and events

Want to start your own online community? We can provide you with a message board platform that has been fully developed by us.
- Fully customizable branding
- Regular feature upgrades to keep it up-to-date

Webskills UK
Aztec House
137a Molesey Avenue
West Molesey
Surrey KT8 2RY
Tel: +44(0)20 89 41 51 51
Aztec House
137a Molesey Avenue
West Molesey
Surrey KT8 2RY
Tel: +44(0)20 89 41 51 51